Mon, Jun 7 8:30 pm

Location: Bethlehem Baseball Field, Elm Street, Bethlehem. Click here for map
Start Time: 8:30pm

Free | Register Here. Please register in advance for this outdoor event to receive weather updates.

The Vertical Life Film Tour is an original climbing film tour created and conceived by the team behind Vertical Life Magazine in 2020 to celebrate the relaunch of the Magazine following COVID-19 hibernation. Featuring 3 films that captures the very essence of “vertical life”.

REEL Outdoors series sponsored by: North Country Climbing Center

Out of the Blue

Director & Producer: Montaz-Rosset Studio. Cast: Maja Walter, Sebastien Hope, Bernhard Witz, Adrian Zurbrugg, Cor Vinke, Mad & Pow, Simona Hronoa, Alexis & Olivia, Mia, Anna, Joli & Chris.

A mysterious character engages a combination of street artists and mountain alpinists for an unthinkable project located in the Oberland summits of Switzerland. Maja and Sebastian, talented Bernese acrobats ponder whether to embark on this extraordinary vertical odyssey. OUT OF THE BLUE combines climbing, slack lining and circus arts in a truly unique and visually stunning film that captures the very essence of “vertical life”. 

A Thousand Ways to Kiss the Ground

Director & Producer: Henna Taylor. Cast: Alex Honnold, Tommy Caldwell, Brette Harrington, Lynn Hill, Jesse Huey, Jordan Roskelley, Angela Vanwiermeersch, Kitty Calhoun, Chris Kalous, Matt Segal, Jim Thomsen, Sky Yardeni, Guilia Luebben, Silvia Luebben, Kestrel Hansen-Neathawk, Chelsea Rude, Sam Elias.

Thousand Ways To Kiss The Ground is an exploration into grief and its expression through the stories of individuals who have experienced loss or trauma due to climbing or alpinism. Made in collaboration with the Climbing Grief Fund, this artful compilation of interviews highlights how there is no singular or correct way to grieve. Indeed this topic is complex, vulnerable, confusing, non-linear, and absolutely imperative to the health of all of our communities. The process of openly grieving, both alone as well as in community, is an art nearly lost in our culture. In A Thousand Ways To Kiss The Ground, climbers discuss how they are learning to integrate grief into their daily lives and in effect, change the community’s collective narrative surrounding this topic. A Thousand Ways To Kiss The Ground investigates the paradoxes of grief and the grieving process while mirroring this complexity back to viewers as a starting point to destigmatize and normalize the conversation surrounding grief for climbers and non-climbers alike.

“Let the beauty we love, be what we do. There are a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the ground; there are a thousand ways to go home again.” —13th Century Poet Rumi


Directors: David López “Campe”, Esteban Lahoz, Karel Downsbrough and Sergi Latorre, Producer: Edu Marin, Cast: Edu Marín, Francisco “Novato” Marín and Álex Marín

The film follows a climbing party that attempts a route of the same name.  It is a remarkable film carefully crafting the story of a father and son climbing team that weaves its way across the longest and hardest roof to date in an exotic location in Getu, China.

The key climber is Edu Marin. Edu was raised in a climbing family with his father, Francisco, who has passed on his skills and interests to his son. This is the beginning of the journey with a clever narration mixed with cuts from the metamorphosis of Edu from a world-class plastic puller to a wild range rock climber. The narration and stunning vision assist the audience to understand this transformation as well as this unique climbing partnership. The son values his father not just as a climbing companion or a belayer, he wants to share the rope with him as his mentor and friend. It is delightful to witness visual stories that go beyond the send to examine and observe the powerful relationships that climbing can create as well as transform. The apex of this occurs on their expedition to China with their attempt to equip and complete a 380-meter roof across a remarkable arch from one side to the other. For folks who put up routes, the gear they acquire to accomplish the task is enough to have you frothing alone. My imagination was stretched and breached as I watched Edu and Francisco take on the climb of their lives as well as the accompanying drama that such a goal brings upon those crazy enough to try.  

VALHALLA is visually stunning, the story has heart and shares the depth of a special climbing partnership confronting a savage and unrelenting landscape. The film is full of epic climbing and is a tribute to those who were tasked with tying these diverse subjects together.

*COVID-19 Protocol: To protect yourself and others we’ve limited admission to this event and request that all staff, volunteers, and audience members wear masks as they enter and move around the outdoor event space. When seated in the amphitheater, masks may be removed to enjoy the presentation.

*Event Tips: We encourage you to bring a blanket or cushion to make your viewing experience extra comfortable, and pack a snack if you would like to enjoy a treat during the presentation.