Thu, Sep 1 6:30 pm

Patio: 6:00, Speaker 6:30, Film 7:00

SPEAKER: Marjorie Agosin, Award-winning Chilean author, poet, and professor.

Director: Jeanine Meerapfel, Starring: Max Riemelt, Celeste Cid, Spanish with English Subtitles

The momentous sweep of post-war Argentinian history distilled into a tender love story. It’s the late 1950s, and in an affluent and quietly respectable part of Buenos Aires, young Sulamit Löwenstein strikes up a friendship with her next-door neighbor Friedrich over the whereabouts of her family dog. She’s the daughter of German-Jewish immigrants to Argentina, he’s the son of a senior SS officer. Both characters will struggle to escape their political inheritance over the next three decades and manage their growing passion and love.“

“…successfully illustrates the Jewish concept of “tikkunolam”, repairing the world through personal, political, and social action.” —Patricia Nuriel. Wofford College